Takeshi Asamizuya, Hiroharu Saito, Ryosuke Higuchi, Go Naruse, Shozo Ota, & Junko Kato (2022) “Effective Connectivity and Criminal Sentencing Decisions: Dynamic Causal Models in Laypersons and Legal Experts,” Cerebral Cortex bhab484 (査読あり) | リンク
Hiroharu Saito (2022) “Loss Aversion for the Value of Voting Rights: WTA/WTP Ratios for a Ballot,” 69 International Review of Law and Economics 106041(査読あり) | PDF (eprint) | リンク
Hiroharu Saito (2021) “The Impact of Lawyer Fees on Lawyer Partisanship: The Reciprocity Norm May Matter,” 28 International Journal of the Legal Profession 319–334(査読あり) | PDF (eprint) | リンク
Hiroharu Saito (2017) “Do Professional Ethics Make Negotiators Unethical? An Empirical Study with Scenarios of Divorce Settlement,” 22 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 325–373 (査読あり) | PDFリンク | 予備リンク
Hiroharu Saito (2016) “Bargaining in the Shadow of Children’s Voices in Divorce Custody Disputes: Comparative Analysis of Japan and the U.S.,” 17 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 937–988(査読あり)| PDFリンク | 予備リンク | 訂正
齋藤宙治(2015)「学校内の意思決定・紛争解決の場としての「全校会」の事例研究: 子どもの参加と紛争解決システム設計の2つの視点から」東京大学大学院教育学研究科教育行政学論叢35号19-33頁 | PDF
齋藤宙治(2017)「海外文献紹介: Nancy H. Rogers, et al. eds., Designing Systems and Processes for Managing Disputes (Aspen Publishers, 2013)—米国の「紛争解決システム設計」の動向とあわせて」仲裁とADR12号56-60頁 | 抜刷りPDF
Yuichiro Nukada, Takashi Nakazaki, Masato Nozaki, Hiroharu Saito (2011) “A Q&A Guide to Media Law in Japan,” in Sharon E Abrams et al., eds., Practical Law: Multi-Jurisdictional Guide 2011/12 Media (1st ed., London: Practical Law Company). https://www.practicallaw.com/2-509-2593
Hiroharu Saito “Imbalanced Images of Youth Rights and Duties in Japan,” Asian Law and Society Association〔アジア法社会学会〕(於:Sunway University, Malaysia)2023年12月15日
Hiroharu Saito “People’s Attitudes on Legal Ages in Japan,” Biennial Workshop on Frontier Research in Children’s Rights and Family Law 2023 (於:University College Cork, Ireland) 2023年4月20日
Hiroharu Saito “Japanese Lawyers at Civil Court after the Expansion of Their Population,” Asian Law and Society Association〔アジア法社会学会〕(於:Vietnam National University, Hanoi) 2022年12月9日
Hiroharu Saito “Equal Protection for Children: A Childist Approach to Constitutional Doctrine,” Childist Approaches to Law Colloquium〔Childism Institute, Rutgers University Camden〕(オンライン開催) 2022年4月29日
Hiroharu Saito “The Impact of Lawyer Fees on Lawyer Partisanship: The Reciprocity Norm May Matter,” Law and Society Association〔米国法社会学会〕(オンライン開催)2021年5月29日
Hiroharu Saito “Age Discriminations Against Children: People’s Attitudes Toward Legal Ages in Japan,” ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL)〔国際法社会学会〕(於:IISL, オニャーティ, スペイン)2019年6月20日
Hiroharu Saito “Determinants of Litigants’ Satisfaction in Japan,” ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL)〔国際法社会学会〕(於:IISL, オニャーティ, スペイン)2019年6月19日
Hiroharu Saito “People’s Attitudes Toward Children’s Legal Ages,” Law and Society Association〔米国法社会学会〕(於:トロント, カナダ)2018年6月
Hiroharu Saito “Private Experiences Affect Professional Practice: A Study of Japanese Divorce Lawyers,” Asian Law and Society Association〔アジア法社会学会〕(於:国立交通大学, 台湾)2017年12月
Hiroharu Saito “An Empirical Study of Japanese Divorce Lawyers’ Practice and Disputing Behaviors,” Law and Society Association〔米国法社会学会〕(於:メキシコシティ, メキシコ)2017年6月
Hiroharu Saito “An Empirical Study of Japanese Divorce Lawyers’ Practice and Disputing Behaviors,” 日本法社会学会若手ワークショップ(於:早稲田大学)2017年5月
Hiroharu Saito “How Can Children Participate in Informal Dispute Systems? From an Analysis of ‘School Meeting’ in Japanese Democratic Schools,” Asian Law and Society Association〔アジア法社会学会〕(於:シンガポール国立大学)2016年9月
Hiroharu Saito “An Empirical Study of Negotiation Ethics and Legal Education: The Case of Divorce Settlement,” Visiting Scholars/Researchers Colloquium(於:Harvard Law School)2016年3月
Hiroharu Saito “Bargaining in the Shadow of Children’s Voices in Divorce Custody Disputes: Comparative Analysis of Japan and the U.S.,” East Asian Law and Society Conference〔東アジア法社会学大会〕(於:早稲田大学)2015年8月
Hiroharu Saito “Bargaining in the Shadow of Children’s Voices in Divorce Custody Disputes,” Child Advocacy Program Workshop(於:Harvard Law School)2015年3月